#10 - Main Street, Anderson, Texas
From my trip to SE Texas. Loved the texture of this old building's facade in hte small town of Anderson.
#9 - Yippee!
My annual trip to Monte Vista, CO for the sandhill crane migration yielded this fun shot of a "joyful" crane doing his courtship dance. Hey, I was impressed!
#8 - Fisherman at Falls
Loved the silhouette of this fisherman at a waterfall near Tarryall Reservoir in COlorado. Has sentimental value to me because my brother was with me when I took this and it was the last time I saw him alive.
#7 - Flourescent Fractals
Saw this field of crosses in front of a church near Boulder, Colorado. Loved the abstract pattern of them.
#6 - Eternity
Found this very remote cemetery in the San Luis Valley, Colorado after a storm - really struck me for a visual mood.
#5 - Blowing in the Wind
Was directed to this location by photographer Geraint Smith. It's somewhere in the San Luis Valley, Colorado. Was only last summer but I wonder if it's still there.
#4 - Break Time
Sole full-time resident of a ghost town in Utah. See my blog post of "My Most Unforgettable Character" for the whole story.
#3 - Morning Vista
Attended a workshop in Moab, Utah where we were transported to the top of Hurrah Pass while still dark to capture this breathtaking sunrise.
#2 - Prairie Waves
This is the Zumwalt Prairie in rural northeast Oregon.
#1 - Road to Nowhere
Loved this scene when I saw it. I was on a very remote road in very remote northeast Oregon. Just seemed so fitting.