I think no other bird besides an eagle can stop me dead in my tracks when I see one. I will stop whatever I am doing whether I have a camera in my hand or not (and I would be very irritated if I don’t!). There is something about these majestic birds. Maybe it’s that they are the symbol of our country or maybe it’s just how they seem to rule the bird kingdom, but whatever it is they command my respect and awe.
Here are some fast facts about eagles:
Adult bald eagles average about 7,200 feathers!
Bald eagles can have wingspans up to 6-8 feet
Adult bald eagles can weigh between 9 and 14 pounds
If you see a pair of bald eagles together, you can assume the larger one is the female
Here are some of my favorite shots.
To see larger-sized images of these photographs, click here to go to my Heron Gallery, then click on any image to expand the photograph.
Juvenile Bald EAgles
Eagles are generally considered to be a full adult when the are roughly four years old. That is when we see the standard black/brown body and white head and tail feathers we typically think of as a bald eagle. Until then they are in various stages of being a juvenile. Juvenile bald eagles look different from an adult bald eagle. They can be anywhere from almost all-brown over their entire body to a brown and white mottle throughout. Incidentally, bald eagles are known to love to about 20-30 years of age in the wild although mortality rates in their first year of life are high (over 70%!). Below are some examples of what a juvenile looks like compared to an adult.
Eagles in Flight
Watchin an eagle fly is mesmerizing. They have powerful strokes that enable them to glide effortlessly. Capturing an eagle in flight also allows me to capture the unique texture and patterns of their wings. Here are some of my favorite shots of eagles in flight.
Eagles Fluffing
When eagles fluff their feathers they show texture and patterns not normally seen when just posing. You have to be ready with the camera because there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why they do this. Here are some of my favorite shots of eagles fluffing themselves up.
Eagles Posing
When eagles sit on a post or tree, they exude confidence and concertation. I’ve been fortunate to get relatively close to posing eagles. Here are some of my favorite shots of eagles posing.
golden eagles
Golden Eagles are a completely different species from the more familiar Bald Eagles. They are considered uncommon (but not rare) in Colorado and it took me quite a while to finally photograph them. Here are two image below of the same Golden Eagle who flew past me very quickly. I probably only had a few seconds but I got a couple good shots off.
Eagles - Miscellaneous
Sometimes a shot doen’’t fit nicely into a category. These are examples
More Eagles
To see my complete gallery of eagle photographs, click here.